Friday, January 11, 2008

Buenos Estas B*tch!

The post title is from John, he yelled it out when he was looking for Diego in the closet (he was jokingly suspicious because I came home early from work). Anyways, it has been a while since I have written, I can tell that I will really need to be specific and carve out time if I want to be a regular blogger. The problem is I am not sure what is worth sharing and what is just typing in vain you know? But I will share this, I was thinking about my corporate persona the other day and what exactly I want to stand for and represent. And I came up with an acronym! Hire Me!

Hardworking and honest

Encouraging and positive

So there you go a little insight into what I believe are some very important characteristics that I hope to imbody. Definetely had to try hard to stay mellow today as I was on the receiving end of some major attitude! You know you are a true HR person when someone yells at you for something that isn't your fault at all and you have to stay calm and then even go the second mile and go beyond your obligations to help them! HR is really like customer service only instead of customers its the company employees. HR people are also like the police, the government....hmmm what else??? I dunno I love my job!

Most of the time :)

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