Sunday, January 27, 2008

Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World

I have just begun a new book, "Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World" by Joanna Weaver and it is great! I think it is a book that would benefit most women, ecspecially when you feel like you have an endless to-do list. I read chapter 3 this morning which was about worrying, a perpetual habit of mine. Here are a few wonderful tidbits that I thought were worth writing down:

- When God tells us in the bible not to worry, it is a command not a suggestion! Worrying fixes our eyes on our situation, not our Savior!

- Worrying does not prevent bad things from happening, but it may prevent us from leading the full lives God intends us to live.

- A life filled with fear has little room left for faith.

- We need to discern what things we can do with God's help and what should be left entirely up to God.

- Any concern too small to be turned into prayer is too small to be made into a burden.

- Fretting magnifies the problem, but prayer magnifies God!

These things may have seemed obvious to you, and though they all seem logical to me I don't think I really knew them. You know what I mean? Like REALLY knew them and practiced them. I will try to remember these things and truly give to God all of my concerns! Afterall I don't want to be like Martha and run frantic, worrying about dinner when Jesus comes to visit, I want to be like Mary and present Jesus with the gift of availibility.

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